Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What I Want To Learn about Computers

I love rock music. What I first do when I first start my computer is to play Windows Media Player, and sometime I visit my favorite musicians’ web site. And I am always amazed by how their web pages are costumed and well designed. That is why I want to learn how to make homepages as I want and make changes from a scroll bar to the cursor. Also, I am now having several little problems about viruses of my computer, so I would like to learn about them and make good use of security system. Another thing what I want to learn is an effective way to use Internet search engines because it take hours for me to get information that I want. Basically, I want to use the Internet skillfully.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My History with Computers

Computers were equal to games for first 5 years, from 9 to 13.Adventure games that kill enemies by typing fast and by solving math formulas were my favorite. Also, I like to play a puzzle game. Either of them was the one my father bought for my sister and me, and we always faced to a computer taking turns. I was just crazy about games, but my typing and my calculation got faster. And this is how I learned touch-typing in Japanese.

However, the way I learned touch-typing in English was quite different. The prime source was from my enthusiasm for rock music. When I was 16, I got into American rock music, and I started renting CDs from a CDs rental shop. Because I wanted to look through lyrics even after restoration, I typed them into my computer. As I continued this for several months, I was having fun typing lyrics listening to these songs, and my skill to type English improved certainly.

Though I sometimes used several computer programs at my junior and senior high school, it hardly gave me useful information about the usage of computers. Recently, I mainly use my computer for the Internet, E-mails, and essays. Now, I am taking a course, Introduction to Computers, so I would be a good computer user in 3 months!