Tuesday, November 21, 2006

What More Would You Like To Learn?

As I learned some basics about HTML, the more I found it interesting. So I would like to learn more complicated codes or operations and make changes in web pages like MySpace. I have been using MySpace since September, for I though it might be good way to make contact with famous bands or other armature bands. Then I feel strong desire to make changes on my page every time I visit others'.

Second, I'd like to learn more advanced skill to make more attractive Power Point. Even if I have something in mind that I want to introduce to people with Power Point, a poor power point can make it seem boring. To catch people's interest in one time, an appealing power point is necessary.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What Will Computers Be Like in the Future?

Computers are getting smaller and smaller. I guess it would be common to potable a personal computer that is a novel-size and wireless.

At commuting time, it is common to see people using a computer on their lap like now people are using Nintendo DS or even cell phones. Students bring their own computer to the school and play games and suffer Internet in their lunch time or even in class time! Students get all information of the school by E-mail and computers would be requirement materials to take normal class except P.E.

Possibly people stop using cell phones, iPod, and other game players. Instead, more and more people bring their own computers with them. So almost every person in developed country have one.